The Big Launch
We are going to launch our brand new club double surf ski next Sunday 12th April at 12.00pm (Midday), which is approx high tide. We would like the first paddle to be Pete Griffin plus 1 lucky Junior member so please register your interest now and we’ll be picking names out of a hat. Pete has been paddling and instructing on our club skis for several centuries! Please email the club if you want to be considered at holywellsurflsc@hotmail.co.uk.
We want to get some photos for the press etc to thank the sponsors that have helped: C-bay, Treguth, Treworgans and Usfor we hope you can come and see the launch.
At the moment we hope that it will be on Holywell at high tide, however the back-up plan will be the Gannel, at the Crantock side by the Fern pit ferry. We will confirm the venue nearer the time when the forecast is clear.
Hopefully see you all there!