Club Ethos
The club motto is ‘Vigilance and Service’, reflecting its local community roots and its members’ commitment to helping others. All members are encouraged to contribute by:
- Understanding and promoting beach safety and surf lifesaving.
- Committing to providing water safety cover during club training events, if appropriately qualified.
- Providing voluntary beach and water safety cover, if appropriately qualified, for the general public as part of organized club patrols.
- Endeavoring to take qualifications in lifesaving and first aid.
- Acting as an ambassador for the club in the wider community – think how you interact with the public when in and around the club or when representing the club in any way.
- Participating in fundraising activities.
- Assisting with maintaining the clubhouse and club equipment.
- Assisting with training younger club members.
- Representing the club in surf lifesaving competitions, where appropriate.
- Respecting fellow club members
- Wearing club colours when representing the club.
In return you should expect:
- Support from your peers
- Assistance when needed
- Training for competition and surf lifesaving awards
- Great facilities, great friends
- Lots of fun