Junior Cornish Frostbite Results
Here are the results of the Cornish Frostbite from the weekend, well done!
On behalf of the club thank you very much for taking part in the competition! I am, and I know the club is proud of what you did!
It is a strange thing towing a small orange plastic person up and down the pool, I know! I ask myself what is the point, why do we do this stuff? And then you take a step back and think, why wouldn’t you? You train and stay fit (with your friends), you learn skills which are actually useful in a real life situation (with your friends). Some of you by doing this will be much more likely to get a job as a Lifeguard one day and if you do you will be fitter and stronger and more likely to actually be able to rescue someone because of these skills. So there is a reason and it is worth it.
Some of you did better than expected, some worse, nonetheless you can, as always, take a great deal from the experience.
Tom Dixon: You learned that if your swim fins stay on then you can go really quick and you did! You taught me more about rugby than any PE teacher ever did!
Tom Peck and Rosalie: You learned that a head start is not always a good thing (again!).
Evie: You confirmed that you are still really good in the water and it was great to see you back in competition!
Jess: You learned a long time ago that there are always fit boys at these events (again!).
You all learned that practice makes perfect!
I learned that a manikin can cause quite a lot of pain to one’s lip and embarrassment to one’s self… D’oh!
Oh and there wasn’t an octopus or vent stealing your fins in the jinxed lane 3…
A huge round of applause of Steve Peck for not being put off by the fact he’d tried the events only once ever on Thursday night!
We did some mixed relays with the good folks from Crantock which made it even more fun. Steve’s swim in the medley relay blew me away, it is fair to say you are twice as good at swimming as you were a year ago (in my opinion), a great example to the club of what you get from a bit of dedication!
Thanks to Rhys for time keeping for the team, thanks to Iwan for taking some great pics (of course, a family trait)!
Thanks to you all for a great laugh! Maybe we didn’t get any medals but it was a great experience, thank you!