Club Committee
The day-to-day running of our club is done by a group of members elected at the Annual General Meeting. The contact details of committee members and other key club members and their roles are outlined below:
Peter Herman
Club President
Contact: 01637 830749
Stephen Peck
Contact: 01637 830402
Lee Griffin
Vice Chairman
Contact: 01872 510126
Rebecca Peck
Contact: 01637 830402 | holywellsurflsc@hotmail.co.uk
Zoe Mackenzie
Contact: 07772926895 | holywellsurflsc@hotmail.co.uk
Stephen Lusty
Head Nipper Coach
Contact: 07764947887 | Nippers@holywell.rocks
Jon Longman
Head Junior Coach
Contact: 01637 830280
Rhys Ellis-Davies
Club Captain
Contact: 01637 830214
Adam Coad
Club Instructor
Contact: 01637 830839
Jodie Humphries
Press Officer
Contact: 01637 830214 | holywellsurflsc@hotmail.co.uk
Wayne Riley
Child Protection Officer
Contact: 07568133120 | safeguarding@holywell.rocks
Sophie Grant Crookston
Club Fundraiser
Contact: 07813724415
Dave Bruce
Competition Liaison Officer
Contact: 07918607392